
Time for Change - Procurement for sustainability

Time for Change – Procurement for sustainability

In many fast fashion organisations, the perception of buying is all about getting the lowest  cost product, minimum quality, as quickly as possible, to meet an unpredictable demand. It is  about minimising financial risk and making as much money as possible in the short term, with  little regard for the longer-term impact on waste, environment, […]

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Three reasons why now, is a good time for fashion brands to undergo a supply chain transformation.

Three reasons why now, is a good time for fashion brands to undergo a supply chain transformation.

Are you too busy with other more pressing issues than a supply chain transformation? Covid-19 has seen many brands drop into survival mode, asking themselves, how will our business survive this crisis?  It has seen many brandishing the role of fire-fighter to get more sales, developing a lounge wear range, deciding what to do with

Three reasons why now, is a good time for fashion brands to undergo a supply chain transformation. Read More »

How can we be sustainable? An introduction for SME’s, plus a tangible example on Climate Change

What does sustainable mean? The definition of sustainability is for me the stewardship of natural, human and productive capital for global prosperity during our lifetime and without indebting future generations. We must put back what we use, treat humans and animals with respect and make, buy, sell and re-use products equitably & without excess, that are built to last and that satisfy

How can we be sustainable? An introduction for SME’s, plus a tangible example on Climate Change Read More »

How to make Fashion supply chains more transparent

A recent Drapers article dated February 2021, highlighted the fact that the UK Government is taking a stricter stance to combat exploitation in fashion supply chains, requiring brands to disclose their suppliers and financially penalising those who cannot demonstrate compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 [1]. The article talks about how some brands have taken

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What makes a Supply Chain Sustainable?

Simply put, a sustainable supply chain is able to balance the use of natural, human and productive capital without indebting future generations. Since the industrial revolution there has been a huge imbalance as companies have generally sought to maximise productive capital with little regard for natural and human capital.   Born from logistics strategies in times

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Why Supply Chain Management Should Play a Strategic Role in Saving the Planet

Sustainability is not just about switching existing materials to more sustainable materials or getting certification.  It goes deeper than that.  At a brand level, it is about purpose over profit to solve problems in society, rather than be the cause of them.  At an operational level sustainability is about embedding the brand strategy & purpose into the organisations’

Why Supply Chain Management Should Play a Strategic Role in Saving the Planet Read More »